No more waiting, no more form filling, and no more resetting. Shop with
1-click right from product page in under 5 seconds. Here’s to the world’s fastest checkout
1-Click checkout from Shopping cart
Now buy multiple products in your shopping cart with Checkout on
Xpresslane and finish your purchases within seconds.
While you have to typically complete at least 14-15 steps as first-time user,
Xpresslane lets you checkout in just 3-4 steps.
Page Load Time
(58% Faster)
(40% Fewer)
Data Entry Fields
(55% Fewer)
Listen to Our Users
Super awesome experience!!.. hassle free and reliable.. kudos to the team ..
great work !!!
Micky Sujan
Experience is really to payment options
rlvk prasad
The best experience of check out from xpresslane enabled e-commerce sites is
speed, security, and de-cluttering of the tens of logins and passwords that I had to
Ravi Ivaturi
This is amazing. I don’t have to enter my personal and financial details each
time I want to buy online. I hope many e-commerce sites integrate this
Dheeraj Reddy
Was used for online registrations for a huge sport event with more hundreds of
registrations across many kinds of sports. Keep it up.
Mahesh B C
Super awesome experience!!.. hassle free and reliable.. kudos to the team ..
great work !!!
Micky Sujan
Experience is really to payment options
rlvk prasad
The best experience of check out from xpresslane enabled e-commerce sites is
speed, security, and de-cluttering of the tens of logins and passwords that I had to
Ravi Ivaturi
This is amazing. I don’t have to enter my personal and financial details each
time I want to buy online. I hope many e-commerce sites integrate this
Dheeraj Reddy
Was used for online registrations for a huge sport event with more hundreds of
registrations across many kinds of sports. Keep it up.
Mahesh B C
Super awesome experience!!.. hassle free and reliable.. kudos to the team ..
great work !!!
Micky Sujan
100% Safe & Secure Checkout
Xpresslane’s universal one-click checkout is absolutely secure. All your
login and financial details are strongly encrypted to ensure complete protection.